Best Ways to Remove Water from Clogged Ear

Getting water into the ears is a common thing that happens to anyone while taking a bath or swimming or shower. Generally, the wax in the ear canal prevents any fluid going deep inside the ear but sometimes, the fluid gets trapped in the ear. 

However, the water can usually drain out on its own but if it doesn’t then it may lead to an infection called swimmer’s ear. 

This results in a tickling sensation, redness and pain in the ear and if left untreated, the plugged ear can cause certain damages like hearing loss, eardrum inflammation, cyst formation and other complications. 

Instead of using over the counter medications, try some natural ways to get rid of water from the ear at home. Have a look at these methods and use them to remove water from your ear.


Method – 1: (Valsalva Maneuver)

Performing this Valsalva maneuver will pop your ears to open up the Eustachian tubes (the place where fluids build up) and push out the water from your ears.

  • Take a deep breath and pinch your nostrils with your fingers and also close your mouth.
  • Then gently blow air out of your nose and you will hear a slight popping sound if done properly.
  • This process opens up the Eustachian tubes and thus regulates the air pressure.
  • But be sure that not blow your nose too hard, as it might damage the ear drum.
  • Repeat it few times a day to get rid of water from your ear.


  • Or tilt your head in a downward motion and jiggle your earlobe gently to remove water from the ear.
  • Or tilt your head sideways and hold the affected ear using the palm of your hand flat and press hard for few seconds.
  • Remove your hand to form a temporary vacuum that removes fluid. Use a cotton bud to remove the fluid from the ear.
  • Alternatively, yawning or chewing motions also help you to remove the water out of your ear canal, as it causes pressure in the middle ear and stretches the ear canal.


Method – 2: (Rubbing Alcohol and Vinegar)

This process is an age old remedy that used to clear the fluids out from the ear. Vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that kill germs in the ear and removes the trapped water that caused due to earwax buildup. Rubbing alcohol dries out the water from inside the ear.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a bowl.
  • Stir well and pour 2 – 3 drops of this mix into the affected ear using a dropper.
  • Gently rub the opening of the ear canal and leave it for 30 – 45 seconds.
  • Then tilt your head to drain out the fluid from your ear.
  • Repeat it whenever your ear is plugged with water.

Note: Avoid using this method if you’re suffering from an ear infection (or) a punctured eardrum (or) perforated eardrum or Eustachian tubes.


Method – 3: (Blow Dryer)

Blow dryer with its warm and dry air helps to speed up the evaporation of trapped fluids. It turns the water into steam and thus dissipates out of the ear.

  • Pull the earlobe and hold a blow dryer from 10 – 12 inches away from the ear.
  • Set the dryer from heat to warm and also set the air flow to low.
  • Turn on the dryer and place it straight to the ear canal.
  • Hold it in this position for 30 – 45 seconds but not more than that, as it dries your ear.
  • Repeat again till you get relief from the problem.

Note: Or garlic has an antibacterial property that prevents ear infection and reduces pain. Extract garlic juice and pour 2 – 3 drops of garlic juice in the affected ear. Wait for a minute and then blow dryer from 12 inches away from the head.


Method – 4: (Hot Compress)

Heat therapy will make your ears free from fluids (or water), as it opens the Eustachian tube to clear the fluid easily.

  • Dip a clean washcloth in a bowl of hot water.
  • Wring out to remove excess water and place the cloth over the affected ear for about 30 – 45 seconds.
  • Remove it and wait for a minute to reapply the cloth over affected ear.
  • Continue doing this process for 4 – 5 times and then lie down on your side to drain out the fluid from your ears.


  • Or inhaling steam also opens the Eustachian tube and eases the fluid buildup in the ear. Inhale the steam slowly for 5 – 10 minutes and tilt your head to draw fluid out of your ear.
  • Also taking a hot shower will remove water from your ears.


Method – 5: (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Hydrogen peroxide has an effervescent property that helps to get rid of fluids in the ear. It removes the trapped fluids (water), earwax, bacteria and debris from the ear canal.

  • Pour 4 – 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear using a dropper.
  • Let it settle for a minute or two and tilt your head downwards to drain out the fluid easily.

Note: Avoid using this method if you’re suffering from an ear infection (or) a punctured eardrum (or) perforated eardrum or Eustachian tubes.


Method – 6: (Olive Oil)

Olive oil clears the ear wax and opens up the Eustachian tube so that the water will drain out easily. It forms a protective layer on the outer ear to prevent bacteria or any other impurities getting into the ear.

  • Warm some olive oil and pour few drops of oil into the ear by using a dropper.
  • Leave it for 10 – 12 minutes and then turn your head sideways.
  • Now use a soft ear bud to remove the oil and water from your ear.

Note: Placing 2 – 3 drops of olive oil in each ear before going for swimming will help to lubricate the tissues of the ear canal and thus prevents water from plugging your ears.


Method – 7: (Salt)

Salt can absorb water very quickly and hot compress will help to evaporate the fluids and relieves you from pain. So, placing warm salt compress will give faster relief from the problem.

  • Place 1/4 cup of salt in a microwave and heat it gently.
  • Take it out and put the salt in a clean cotton cloth and tie it.
  • Place it near the opening of the affected ear and hold it for about 2 – 3 minutes.
  • Continue doing the same process for 3 – 4 times till you remove water from your ears.


Tips and Precautions:

  1. Make sure to consult your doctor if the water doesn’t drain out within 2 – 3 days (or) if the fluids get accumulated in the middle ear (or) loss of hearing (or) itching of the ear canal (or) doesn’t get any relief from pain and other symptoms after using these remedies, to get relief from the problem.
  2. If you’re suspecting water in your ears then avoid using earplugs or cotton swab why because they might push the water inside rather than clearing it.
  3. People with eczema or children under 3 years old are more prone to get the ear infection if they left with plugged ears.
  4. All these remedies will help to get rid of water completely from the outer ear and mildly from the middle ear.
  5. Follow some basic ear hygiene like removing earwax, drying your ears after a shower, placing ear plugs or a swim cap or shower cap pulled over your ears while swimming, etc. to get rid of ear problems.
  6. You can also use some prescribed over the counter ear drops at your pharmacy to protect your ear from infections and reduce moisture.

Try these methods to get rid of water from your ears. Do you know any other methods for getting rid of the plugged ears? Then share it with us.

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