Found yourself without any coconut milk while in cooking a delicious dish? Or maybe you read the back labels on the cans and were astonished by the amount of unpronounceable added ingredients. Regardless of the reason, you can easily solve these issues by following these coconut milk recipes and prepare your own natural and additive-free stock.
Coconut milk recipes: 4 ways to prepare it
Preparing your own coconut milk recipes is easier than you might think, and much healthier too. Remember all those ingredients on the can labels? Well, when you’re making your own you only need two: coconut and water.
Coconut milk with shredded coconut

- 1 package of shredded coconut, unsweetened;
- 4 cups of hot water (almost boiling).
Put the coconut in a blender, pour the water on top and let the mixture sit for a few minutes. This will give the coconut time to begin releasing its flavor. Blend the ingredients for 1 or 2 minutes until the mixture begins to look milky.
Using a nut milk bag or a thin towel, strain it into a mason jar or into an air-tight container. Squeeze the bag to release as much milk as possible.
You can drink the milk right away or store it in the refrigerator.
Coconut milk with coconut chips

- 1 cup of dried coconut chips (preferably organic);
- 2 cups of warm water (almost boiling).
Put the chips in a high-speed blender and pour the water on top. Blend for 2 minutes or until getting a thick and creamy mixture.
Strain the milk using a strainer or a nut milk bag into a bowl. Ball up the strainer and squeeze hard. Transfer the milk to an airtight container. Keep it in the fridge.
Coconut milk using fresh coconut

- 1 mature coconut (brown);
- 1 1/2 cups of water.
Punch holes in the “eyes” on the coconut using a corkscrew or a screwdriver. Drain the water out and discard it. Place the coconut over the counter, cover it with a cloth and crack it with the help of a hammer. The cloth will prevent any flying parts.Open the coconut, place each half on top of a kitchen towel and hit around with the hammer to dislodge the flesh inside. You can then either try to remove it with your hands or use a knife to release the flesh from the shell. A good scooping spoon can also help.
Put the coconut flesh in a high-speed blender and pour 1 cup water on top. Blend it on the highest speed possible for 5 to 10 minutes. It is normal that it gets a pulpy texture.
Transfer the mixture into fine mesh sieve lined with a cheesecloth to pour the milk into a bowl. Pour the remaining 1/2 cup of water into the blender, give it a spin to get any leftovers and add it to the strainer too.
Ball up the strainer and squeeze it as hard as you can. Transfer the milk to an airtight glass jar or container. Keep it in the fridge for 5 days maximum.
Coconut milk flavored

- 2 cups of shredded coconut, unsweetened;
- 4 cups of water;
- 1 date;
- 1/2 tsp. of vanilla extract;
- A pinch of salt.
Combine 3 cups of water and all the remaining ingredients in a high-speed blender. Blend for 2 minutes or until you believe it is well combined. Scoop a bit of the mixture to test the flavor and add more dates, vanilla or salt if needed. If it is too solid, dry and thick, add the remaining cup of water.
Strain the milk into a bowl using a nut milk bag. Ball it up and squeeze as hard as you can to release as much milk as possible. Transfer it to an airtight container and keep it in the fridge. It will be good up to 5 days.
Shake it before drinking it, as the ingredients might separate due to the lack of added preservatives.
Substitutes for coconut milk
Even if you know how to prepare different coconut milk recipes, there might be occasions when you don’t want to use it.
Almond milk is one of the best coconut milk substitutes in general. It contains fewer calories and fats, but it has a sweet and nutty taste that makes it pleasant to drink and gives the recipes an interesting flavor.
Soy and nut types of milk are also generally considered good replacements. However, if you’re using them to cook you may want to mix half-and-half of sour cream or Greek yogurt to thicken their consistency.