Wrinkles have been the woe of millions of middle-aged women around the world. Even though wrinkles on skin are irrevocable, which come as you age, everyone desires to erase out these signs of age.
As everybody knows, it is better to prevent the appearance of these little lines that mark the passage of time than to take efforts in expunging them. The good news is that there are some effective home remedies through which you can prevent wrinkles – one of the worst enemies of women.
5 Ways To Prevent Wrinkles
All the below mentioned remedies are intended to promote the moisture and elasticity of skin, since lack of elasticity makes skin more prone to wrinkles.
Pure Honey
Pure and organic honey is a great humectant – an essence that keeps things moist, and hence is very effective in preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Daily use of honey can delay the manifestation of wrinkles as you age. You can dab a few drops of honey all over face and neck, and rinse off with warm water. This will help your skin in retaining the much needed moisture content and preserve the collagen factor that gives your skin elasticity and suppleness.
You can even make honey face masks by adding vitamin capsule to get more effectiveness and nourishment. An effective facial cleanser that will help in defying age signs can be made by mixing raw certified whole milk and pure honey. The lactic acid contained in milk will purify skin pores by blowing off impurities. It also helps in generating more collagen in skin. Daily use of this cleanser will keep your skin highly-hydrated and moisturized. After massaging this cleanser on to the skin, you can rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Vegetable and Fruit Face Masks
Vegetables and fruits not only nourish your body internally, but also
externally. They are excellent in shunning dead skin cells and work as
great exfoliating masks. You can crush fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cantaloupe, mangoes, kiwis, papayas, peaches
etc. and use them as masks. While washing, gently rub the fruit into
the skin to get maximum cleansing effect. Banana is an excellent fruit
that acts as an anti-wrinkle agent. Make a paste of ripe banana and
spread it all over your face and neck and wash off with warm water after
30 minutes.
Cook 2 ripe carrots and mash well.
Add 4 tablespoons of organic honey and blend the mixture well. Apply this mask on face and rise off after 10 minutes. Vitamin A and C in carrots will nourish skin along with preventing wrinkles and toning skin. Take finely ripe strawberries, cucumber or papaya. Add a few spoonfuls of yogurt and clay to get the adequate velvety consistency. Apply this blend all over face and neck and wash it after 30 minutes. You can even use mashed papaya fruit on face. The fruit is loaded with the enzyme papain, which is really good for skin. The enzyme naturally exfoliates skin and drives away dead skin cells. It also treats dark spots and pigmentations. Apricots are packed with vitamin A and hence can be applied on skin to get rid of wrinkles.
Oil Massage
Oil massage is not only great in erasing out wrinkles, but also in preventing their appearance. You can use either extra virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil to massage your face and neck. These oils are rich in anti-aging nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, monosaturated fats etc. Take sufficient quantity of oil, and massage with circular movements.
This will facilitate blood circulation and will enhance elasticity of skin cells making your skin more supple and youthful. Gently massage the areas more prone to wrinkles with oil every night at bedtime for more effective results. You can even do a face steam after applying oil. Oil massage will avoid the upcoming of new lines around eyes.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is another simple ingredient that you can add in your daily skincare regime to prevent wrinkles. Lemon juice is loaded with a naturally-occurring, organic acid, called citric acid. The fruit is packed with strong exfoliating properties, which are great in removing and preventing wrinkles. The vitamin C content in the fruit promotes the production of collagen and ensures youthful skin. Supple, healthy and moisturized skin can be yours, if you use lemon juice on your skin.
Besides preventing fine lines, lemon juice works effectively in driving away blemishes, spots, pimple scars and other signs of aging. Dab a cotton ball soaked in lemon juice all over the face and wrinkle-prone areas once daily and wash off with plain water. Gently rubbing your face with lemon juice mixed with pure sugar can do wonders in getting rid of and preventing wrinkles and fine lines. Glycolic acid contained in sugar proficiently fixes skin damage and confiscates dead skin cells, revealing glowing and wrinkle-free skin.
Egg White Face Mask
Egg white enjoys great popularity and admiration as a great wrinkle-remover and preventer. Applying egg whites on facial skin will help in tightening the skin, and thereby reduce and prevent wrinkles. Egg white works well in thwarting the appearance of fine lines thanks to the presence of albumin, a skin rejuvenating protein. Vitamins A and B contained in egg white facilitate tissue repair and shields cells from potential free-radical damage. Egg white compensates for the loss of collagen as you age, and prevents wrinkles.
Besides preventing the appearance of lines, it also treats acne, blackheads, and pimples. An egg white face mask can be prepared by beating the egg white until it becomes soapy. Apply this with clean fingers and wash off once it dries out. Since it can turn skin a little dry, dry-skinned people can add a few drops of honey or olive oil into the egg white to make it more moisturizing. Along with all these simple tips, alterations in daily diet and lifestyle changes will guarantee wrinkle-free, radiant and flawless skin for years.