30-Day Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners

There are workout routines for beginners that are insanely hard, that the only thing ‘beginner-friendly’ about them is the phrase itself.

If you are just getting started on your fitness journey, all the information around which workouts burns fat the most, which workouts are the best for injury prevention, how to start eating clean, can really become overwhelming.

30-Day Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners

Can you see results in 30 days? 

You are probably asking yourself right now if you can see results in 30 days and if this 30 day workout plan really works. 

You probably won’t know where to start. But, it’s not something to stress about. We all have, at one point walked your shoes, and also asked what a good workout routine for beginners is.

What you should know right from the get-go, is that this the best gym workout plan for beginners that burns fat like crazy.

You are in for an incredible workout experience with this 30-day fat burning workout routine for beginners.

How much should a beginner workout?

How long should you workout if you’re a beginner depends on factors such as your level of fitness, how fast you recover between each workout session, and how much time in a week you have available for exercise.

There’s ‘no one size fits all’ answer that will tell you how frequent you must exercise.

The perfect answer is, do what works for you, taking into account your level of fitness and commitment.

Scientific research suggests that beginners should exercise for 20-30 minutes of exercise, 3-5 days a week.

What you should know about this 30-day beginner’s workout routine

This 30-day fat burning workout routine for beginners practically will hold your hand, from day 1 until the day the last day, all you have to do is just show up, do the work and start dropping pounds fast.

The workouts in this plan are low impact for the first two weeks, and as you build your strength and improve your fitness level, the intensity picks up just a little bit.

What sets this training plan apart is the fact it is specially designed to help you progress on your fitness journey, from absolute beginner to intermediate.

Lose weight fast with this 30-Day Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners

Unlike other workout plans out there that claim to be for beginners but literally want you to jump from your couch to doing burpees and other crazy stuff, none of that will happen here.

You won’t be doing 10 burpees, 50 squats, or 20 push-ups! This routine places emphasis on compound exercises that engage several muscles at a time.

Unrealistic workout plans for beginners are only meant to set you up for failure because after a few days, you won’t be able to keep up the crazy pace.

However, a simplified workout guide like this one teaches how to ease into fitness and exercise, and how to properly progress from week to week, and month to month.

How to start working out for the first time

  • Take photos of yourself before you start this 30-day fat burning workout challenge.
  • At the end of the 30 days, take your after photos and compare the progress from when you started to where you are after 30 days.

 How to warm up before exercising

You must always start your workouts with a dynamic warm-up and finish off with cool-down stretches to prevent injury.

Dynamic warm-up

Dynamic warm-up simply means stretching the body muscles through movement, and not static stretches.

This kind of warm-up is important for basically waking up the muscles that you will be utilising during the workout.

It’s perfectly okay, however, to cool down with static stretches.

5 minute warm-up for the gym workout plan for beginners

5 minute warm up for the gym workout plan for beginners

1. March in place – 60 seconds

Marching in place is literally walking in place. Do this movement for 1 minute.

2. Arm circles – 60 seconds

Stand up straight with your arm stretched out sideways. Start making circles with your arms in one direction for 30 seconds.

Repeat the same movement, this time make the circles in the other direction.

3. Hip circles – 60 seconds

Still, in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, place hands on hips. Rotate your hips in a clockwise movement for 30 seconds.

Rotate your hips in the opposite direction for another 30 seconds.

4. Standing toe touches – 60 seconds

Stand up nice and tall. In a slow, controlled movement, bend down and with your right hand, reach for and touch your left foot.

Slowly get back up to your starting position and reach for your right foot with your left hand.

Repeat for 1 minute.

5. Lateral step with arm swings- 60 seconds

Stand up straight with arms raised up your head. Step back to the left with your right foot at the same time swinging your arms back to follow the direction to the foot that you are stepping back with.

Repeat by stepping back with the left foot. Continue to alternate for 1 minute.

Cool Down  Stretches

You should always end your workout session with cool-down stretches while your muscles are still warm. Stretching after exercise is important because it helps enhance flexibility and reduce injury.

Stretching after exercise is important because it helps enhance flexibility and reduce injury

1. Jog in place – 30 seconds

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Mimic the running movement by lifting your knees. Do this movement for 1 minute.

2. Standing quad stretch – 60 seconds (30-second hold for each leg)

Stand on one leg (you can hold on to something if your balance isn’t steady)

Bent the leg at the knee and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Switch legs and hold for 30 seconds.

How to do a Standing quad stretch

3. Standing Hamstring Stretch – Hold for 45 seconds

Stand straight and slowly bend at the waist as if you are trying to touch your toes with your hands. Bend as far as you can or until you feel the stretch in your hamstrings.

How to do Standing Hamstring Stretch

4. Standing wall stretch –  30 seconds

Start in front of a wall and stretch out your arm until they are touching the wall.  Walk your hands up against the wall and press back until you feel the stretch in your shoulders. Avoid pushing it the wall as that might cause shoulder injury.

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds or longer if your shoulders are too tight.

5. Child’s Pose stretch – 45 seconds

This stretch will release stress, calm you while stretching out the hips, lower back, thighs, and upper body. You can hold the stretch for 45 seconds or as long as 5 minutes.

Child's Pose stretch to release stress

How to do push ups on the knees for beginners

Alright, now that you know how you will be warming up before and cooling down after, let’s get to work and get started with this fat shedding 30 day workout routines for beginners.

The video links on how to do some of the exercises are at the end of the post, scroll down if you need help with a move.

DAY 1 (Monday)

  • 12 squats x3
  • 12 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 10 triceps dips x3
  • 20 step-ups x3
  • 12 backward lunges (6 each leg) x3
  • 10 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

DAY 2 (Tuesday)

  • 12 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls x 3
  • 12 glute bridges x3
  • 12 bicep curls x 3
  • 12 dumbbell rows x3
  • 12 stiff leg deadlifts x3

Glute bridges

Glute bridges workout routine for beginners

DAY 3 (Wednesday)

Cardio workout- walk outside or on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at a brisk pace

Fat Burning Abs Workout Routine for Day 3

  • 20 Russian twists x 3
  • 30-second plank hold x3
  • 20 leg raises  x3

Day 4 (Thursday)

  • 12 squats x 3
  • 12 push-ups (on the knees) x 3
  • 10 triceps dips x3
  • 20 step-ups x 3
  • 12 backward lunges (6 each leg) x3
  • 10 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

Overhead dumbbell extension

dumbbell overhead triceps extension

Day 5 (Friday)

  • 12 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 12 glute bridges x3
  • 12 bicep curls x3
  • 12 dumbbell rows x3
  • 12 stiff leg deadlifts x3

Day 6

  • Rest

Day 7

  • Rest

Week 2 of the 30-Day Full Body Workout Routines for Beginners

DAY 8 (Monday)

  • 15 squats x3
  • 15 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 12 triceps dips x3
  • 30 step-ups x3
  • 16 backward lunges (8 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

Tricep dips

Tricep dips. Week 2 of the 30-Day Full Body Workout Routines for Beginners

DAY 9 (Tuesday)

  • 16 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 15 glute bridges x3
  • 15 bicep curls x3
  • 15 dumbbell rows x3
  • 15 stiff leg deadlifts x3

DAY 10 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

  • 20 Russian twists x3
  • 30-second plank hold x3
  • 20 leg raises  x3

Cardio workout – walk outside or on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at a brisk pace

walk outside or on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at a brisk pace

DAY 11 (Thursday)

  • 15 squats x3
  • 15 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 12 triceps dips x3
  • 30 step ups x3
  • 16 backward lunges (8 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

DAY 12 (Friday)

  • 16 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 15 glute bridges x3
  • 15 bicep curls x3
  • 15 dumbbell rows x3
  • 15 stiff leg deadlifts x3

 Bicep curls 

How to do bicep curls for women

Day 13 (Saturday)

  • 30- 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady state cardio)

Day 14 (Sunday)

  • Rest

Week 3 of the Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners

DAY 15 (Monday)

  • 12 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 12 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 12 goblet squats x4
  • 12 triceps dips x4

Plank holds

straight arm plank hold

DAY 16 (Tuesday)

  • 14 single leg deadlifts (7 each leg) x4
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 12 bicep curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 15 kettlebell swings x4

DAY 17 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

  • 25 Russian twists x4
  • 30-second plank hold x4
  • 30- second side planks (30 seconds each side) x4
  • 20 leg raises x4

Fat Melting Cardio Workout

Run for 1 minute

Walk for 2 minutes

Repeat 10 times

DAY 18 (Thursday)

  • 12 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 12 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 12 goblet squats x4
  • 12 triceps dips x4


Walking lunges with barbell

DAY 19 (Friday)

  • 14 single leg deadlifts (7 each leg) x4
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 12 bicep curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 15 kettlebell swings x4
  • 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady state cardio)

Day 21 (Sunday)

  • Rest

Week 4 – Final Week- Fat Shredding Workout Routines for Beginners

DAY 22 (Monday)

  • 15 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 15 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 15 goblet squats x4
  • 15 triceps dips x4

DAY 23 (Tuesday)

  • 16 single-leg deadlifts (8 each leg) x4
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 15 bicep curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 20 kettlebell swings x4

Kettlebell swings

Fat blasting kettlebell swings

DAY 24 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

  • 30 Russian twists x4
  • 30-second plank hold x4
  • 30-second side planks (30 seconds each side) x4
  • 25 leg raises x 4

4-Week Beginner's Workout Plan

Fat burning cardio workout for beginners

Run for 1 minute

Walk for 2 minutes

Repeat 10 times

DAY 25 (Thursday)

How to do Goblet squats

  • 15 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 15 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 15 goblet squats x4
  • 15 triceps dips x4

DAY 26 (Friday)

  • 16 single-leg deadlifts (8 each leg) x4
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 15 bicep curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 20 kettlebell swings x4

How to Do Push Ups For Female Beginners workout

DAY 27 (Saturday)

  • 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady-state cardio)
Day 28 (Sunday)
  • Rest

DAY 29 (Monday) Use lighter weights than the previous week

  • 20 squats x4
  • 20 pushups x4
  • 20 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 backward lunges x4
  • 20 goblet squats x4
  • 20 triceps dips x4

DAY 30 (Tuesday) Use lighter weights than the previous week

  • 20 stiff leg deadlifts x 4
  • 20 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 20 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 20 bicep curls x4
  • 20 dumbbell rows x4
  • 25 kettlebell swings x4

How to do leg raises for abs

Congratulations, you are now a badass! Well done. 

Source: fitnesschat.co

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